Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Vitamin C

Vitamin C prevents: Bleeding gums, skin bruising, anemia, fatigue, broken capillaries, gallstones, aneurysms, arterial plaque and   facilitates wound healing, builds collagen. Intravenous vitamin C (Myers Cocktail) or given intravenously generates hydrogen peroxide which selectively kills off germs and cancer cells.

The World's Finest Vitamin C (and Cardio-C and Ascorbade) use 100% pure L-ascorbic acid (DSM Quali-C*** not made in China). Ascorbic acidis form of vitamin C taken by the late 2-time Nobelist Linus Pauling in the amount of 18,000 mg daily, as reported in his 1986 book How To Live Longer and Feel Better.

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