Friday, May 8, 2015

Orexin , Interleukin , Inflammation, Laser Led

depression can  be caused by IL-1 (RR2), and it may be the cause of your shitty moods

IL-1 also causes fatigue by suppressing orexin

IL-1beta is increased by Sleep deprivation (R), Smoking(R), Excessive glucose/sugar (R) and Alcohol

Top Choices To Decrease IL-1beta

Top Functional Foods/Condiments

Top Devices and Lifestyle

  • LLLT  (R)
  • Fasting (R) (Increases IL-1Ra)

Top Supplements

Foods To Decrease IL-1beta

In general, vegetables and fruit should help decrease IL-1b.
  • Cyanidin-3-O-β-glucoside (C3G) – typical anthocyanin (R) – found in many fruits
  • Ginger (R) – has lectins, but was one of the most potent out of 20 medicinal plants (R)
  • Sulforaphane/Broccoli sprouts/Cruciferous Vegetables (R),
  • Anthocyanins (from red raspberries) (R)
  • Oat polyphenols (R),
  • Astaxanthin in fish (R),
  • Betalain/Beets (R),

Other IL-1beta Decreasers

In rats, exposure to 4 degrees C or 39 degrees F  increased TRH release by 2 fold in the first 15 min.
Therefore you want to expose yourself to cold by going outside in the winter or taking cold showers.  This means to completely turn off hot water.  I can only do this one minute or else it’s too annoying.
You can additionally take Hypothalamus glandular, which probably contains some minute concentrations of TRH.  Take 1500mg per a time.

19) Molecular Hydrogen/Ghrelin

Consuming hydrogen-rich water is a potent antioxidant and, like LLLT, seems like a panacea (R).    I use a machine to produce hydrogen rich water, but you can also do it with hydrogen sticks(haven’t experimented with the sticks).
Hydrogen rich water likely increases orexin, since it has been found to increase ghrelin (R).   Ghrelin increases orexin (R).

20) Acetylcholine

Acetylcholine MOSTLY  increases orexin (R).  It can inhibit it simultaneously through a different mechanism, but it mostly increases it. (R)   I recommend Alpha GPC.

21) ATP

Increasing ATP levels can increase orexin. (R)
The following increase ATP: LactateLLLTMethylene BluemTOR activation, Oxygen, Acetylcholine (R), CES, CoQ10, Lipoic acid, Ribose, Glucose, Pyruvate, Carnitine, Uridine, Bicarbonate, Malate, Creatine

22) Hypothalamus Glandular

Neurotensin is a hormone found mostly in the hypothalamus and regulates luteinizing hormone and dopamine pathways. (R)
It also decreases our body temperature and pain levels and increases our energy (‘locomotor activity).  It also has important gut functions. (R)
I would put Hypothalamus glandular under my tongue.  I have done this and it seems to have an effect.

23) Caffeine

Caffeine was found to activate orexin, which isn’t surprising. (R)
I recommend getting your caffeine from Jasmine Tea.

24) Pregnenolone and Other GABA Antagonists

GABA antagonists or ‘negative modulators’ block the effects of GABA.
GABA suppresses orexin, so blocking GABA will help activate it.  My subjective experience validates this.
The most powerful substances here is pregnenolone.  I’ve gotten decent wakeful promoting effects from Zinc, Chocamine, Ginkgo, Muira and Wormwood (be careful).
  • Pregnenolone (RR2). ‘Potent’.  I use 25mg, but you can start with a lower dosage. I and all of my clients find this helpful in promoting wakefulness. (gamma2-subunit independent)
  • Progesterone (R) – Pregnenolone converts to this, so I just recommend pregnenolone.
  • DHEA (R) +DHEA-S (R) – Pregnenolone converts to this, so I just recommend pregnenolone.
  • Ginkgo/Bilobalide and Ginkolide (RR2).  This extract should contain about 2% bilobalide.
  • Zinc (R) (different mechanism than pregnenolone -gamma2-subunit)
  • Wormwood/Thujone (R)…Thujone is also found in sage.
  • Muira Puama (R)  – I needed to take 4 pills to significantly feel the wakefulness.
  • Chocamine/Theobromine and Tea /Theophylline (R)
  • Naltrexone – low dose won’t likely have a significant effect.

Where To Use It On The Head

  • Front of the head for Increased focus and increased analytic ability
  • Upper and side portions of the head for creativity
  • Limit usage in the back of the head where the occipital cortex is.  Maybe do a third of what you do in the front of your head.  If you have CFS then do it in the back, as there’s evidence that CFS is as a result of brain stem inflammation.

Other Places I Use it

I mainly use it on my brain, but sometimes other locations.
  • Sports injuries/other injuries.  I’ve had one on my finger, my shoulder, etc.. (Effective)
  • I use it rarely on my thymus to increase my immune system and immune tolerance (used it maybe 20 times in total) (Effective)
  • I use it rarely on my thyroid to increase thyroid hormones (used it maybe 20 times in total) (Effective)
  • I use it rarely on my liver to increase liver regeneration (maybe 15 times total) (Effective)
  • I use it rarely on my stomach to increase stomach acidity, GI repair (maybe 10 times).  (Effective)
  • I use it in my teeth to increase dentin.  One tooth has some dentin that’s been worn away.  (Effective)
  • I’ve used it once on my testes to increase testosterone.  I’ve only used it once there because I’m a bit scared to use it there as I don’t understand its interaction with sperm enough. (Unable to determine effectiveness.)
  • I use it sometimes on the side of my face to heal nerve damage as a result of bells palsy as a kid. (Effective)
  • Massive sting.  I was recently attacked by a flying creature that was massive – bigger than a queen bee.  It attacked a spot in my foot and injected a poison that caused a large portion of my foot to swell.   I put LLLT on it and it practically disappeared in like 2 days.
  • Although I don’t use it for my skin, it can very well be used for it (R)
  • I have not used it for this, but if you get hemorrhoids you can place this laser pointer up your rectum.

How To Use It

I recommend using this before bed, as it causes fatigue in many.  I believe the mechanism is by increasing TNF-alpha acutely (R).  While it may acutely increase TNF-alpha, it down-regulates the production chronically (R).  Read my posts about how inflammation and TNF-alpha is related to fatigue.
First use: Place on each spot on the head for 10 seconds and switch to a different spot.  Cover the whole head, except the back.  Total time should be 2 min.
Second use: If you felt tired after the first usage then continue at that dosage for a week.  If not increase by 10 seconds to a total of 20 seconds per a spot and 4 minutes in total.
If you feel tired and groggy the next day, you had too much.  If not, keep on increasing the dosage by 10 seconds until you hit 2 minutes per a spot and a total of 15 minutes.
If you feel groggy the next day and only took 30 seconds per a spot (less than 6 minutes in total) then it means you have an inflammatory and/or mitochondrial issue.  LLLT will help with it.
If you feel tired after 2 minutes of putting it on your head this also means you likely have an inflammatory and mitochondrial issue.  Again, LLLT will help with it.
Use every other day.  I recommend every third day if you’re generally functioning pretty well.  If you’re taking  a lot of other supplements then use once a week perhaps.  That’s what I do.  The benefits are abolished if used daily for a few weeks.
An alternative way of using it is to put it on your head in the day time for two minutes in total.   This isn’t enough to make most people tired, but it still stimulates Cytochrome C Oxidase.  I would definitely recommend using it this way if your sleep is disturbed by LLLT.
Last, don’t worry about the detailed instructions or screwing up.  This is very safe if you use it even somewhat right.  The reason I give these instructions is so that people with underlying inflammatory issues aren’t scared off if they see some negative effects.

When Will You See Results?

LLLT is like exercise  – benefits are accrued and realized after the healing stage, but there’s usually a noticeable effect the next day.
If you don’t notice anything from laser therapy then congratulations – you likely have healthy mitochondria and low levels of inflammation

LLT LASER LED RED/BLUE Effects Experience

  • Increases higher order cognitive function
  • Improves memory via growth factors and brain metabolism (R,R2)
  • Improves attention (R)
  • Improves working memory (R)
  • Improves mood (R)
  • Improves motivation
  • Increases wakefulness
  • Increases sports performance (via sensory and motor improvements) (R)
  • Decreases need for sleep

  • Suppresses inflammation: PGE(2), Cox 2, IL-1bTNFIL-8IL-6, neutrophil cell influx, etc.. (RR2, R3)
  • Increases internal antioxidants (SOD) (R)
  • Decreases free radicals and oxidatively stressed neurons (R)
  • Increases brain Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1α) and vascular endothelial growth factor  (VEGF) (R).   HIFs are normally increased under low oxygen conditions.  This is the body’s stress response.  HIF-1 increases several genes to promote survival in low-oxygen conditions. These include enzymes that allow ATP (cellular energy currency) synthesis in an oxygen-independent manner, and VEGF, which promotes the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) in the brain.    This makes sense because when the brain is starved for energy it will try to make up for it.
  • Increases stem cells (RR2R3)
  • Increases Nerve growth factor (NGF) (R)
  • Increases Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (R)
  • Increases Neurotrophin-3-contradictory (NT-3) (R)
  • Increases IGF-1, TGF-b (RR2), PDGF, FGF2 (R)
  • Increases ATP production (R)
  • Increases the number of mitochondria (R) i.e mitochondrial biogenesis
  • Promotes the synthesis of DNA and RNA (R)
  • Increases neuronal mitochondrial metabolism byphotostimulation (stimulation by light) of an enzyme (cytochrome oxidase) involved in increasing mitochondrial oxygen usage (R) and increases mitochondrial membrane potential (R)
  • Increases blood flow and circulation (R)
  • Decreases amyloid-β aggregates in human brain cells (in-vitro) (R), the protein responsible for Alzheimer’s.
  • Activates PKC (R)
  • Upregulates heat shock proteins (R)
  • Stimulates mast cell degranulation (R)
  • Modifies extracellular matrix components (R)
  • Prevents neuronal death by greater membrane stability and resistance to depolarization, which has been shown to transiently reduce neuronal excitability (R)
  • Prevents cell death, improves cell proliferation, migration and adhesion (R)
  • Increases the expression of genes in the brain by increasing the transcription factors Nf-kb (R), AP-1 and CREB (R). Transcription factors are proteins that bind to DNA and supports growth and repair.  See this video animation on how these proteins bind to DNA.
  • Increases our body’s natural opioids (R).
Interestingly, in normal neurons LLLT  increased oxidative stress/ROS. In oxidatively-stressed cells LLLT reduced high ROS levels and protected cultured cortical neurons from death (R)
Some of the mechanisms are similar to methylene blue.  

LLLT Goes Well With

26) Forskolin

Forskolin is a well known wakeful promoter and it certainly produces a noticeable effect with me.
Forskolin increases cyclic AMP in the whole body, including in the area where orexin neurons are.   This causes these neurons to activate (long term potentiation) and the result is we’re more wakeful. (R)

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