A second study found that in men with type 2 diabetes, an eight-week program that mixed aerobic and anaerobic exercise (twice a week of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise at 75 percent of max, and once a week of 5 sprints for 2 minutes at 85 percent) had a significant 44 percent decrease in visceral fat, with a 58 percent improvement in insulin sensitivity. They had no change in bodyweight but did have a 24 percent increase in thigh muscle cross sectional area, indicating muscle development Rather, 75 percent of maximal oxygen uptake is equal to 80 percent of the heart rate max. For a 40-year-old male this would be exercising at a heart rate of 144 to 157 beats per minute for 40 minutes.
Take prebiotics to decrease visceral fat and improve insulin sensitivity. Research performed on rats shows that taking a prebiotic supplement that contains bifidobacterium adolescentis can improve glucose uptake and decrease visceral fat, and it is particularly effective in doing so when a high fat diet is consumed.
During exercise and after HIT, fat burning increases to remove built up lactate and hydrogen ions. Elevated growth hormone also supports fat burning and is a result of HIT programs.
The very best protocol for visceral fat loss and a lean physique is high-intensity interval sprints and a resistance training program. This will allow you to burn visceral fat and build muscle. More muscle will elevate metabolism and support a better hormonal and biochemical environment by lowering adipokines—remember that evil chemical that creates more fat and breaks down muscle.
Adipokines are released by visceral fat and include IL-6 and TNF-a, which raise blood pressure, decrease insulin sensitivity and cause inflammation. Basically, fat builds fat, and it appears that fat, particularly visceral fat, can also degrade muscle, leading to more fat.
More visceral fat leads to lower testosterone and poor health in men. One study found a link between greater visceral fat and lower total and free testosterone, and lower sex-hormone-binding globulin. Additionally, C-peptide levels, a marker of chronic inflammation, and insulin were elevated, indicating a pre-diabetic state.
More muscle will elevate metabolism and support a better hormonal and biochemical environment by lowering adipokines—remember that evil chemical that creates more fat and breaks down muscle.
Leucine-enriched BCAA supplementation has been shown to decrease visceral fat significantly, and they should be a part of any smart nutrition protocol.
Limit fructose intake because it is known to slow down thyroid function, reduce metabolism, mess with insulin health, all leading to visceral fat gain. Fructose doesn't raise insulin, meaning glucose isn't getting into cells.
changes in visceral fat were inversely related to increases in O(2)max (P < 0.01).
Sedentary physical inactivity reliably produces insulin resistance. Good news is, if you can't do high intensity exercise like sprinting, heavy weight squats, swimming or stair climbing, which results in fat burning and insulin sensitivity, low intensity exercise will achieve insulin sensity without the fat loss.
Low intensity means a heart rate below 80% of adjusted max (easy way is to figure adjusted max= 220 minus your age, take away 20%).
To be in a high intensity, visceral fat burning cardio range, your heart rate has to be at 75-80% heart rate max.
A comprehensive review of most fat loss studies conclusively shows that quality exercise has more impact of fat burning that reducing total calories. Minimum of 3 sessions of 30 minutes a weekly with moderately intense aerobic and weighted strength training. Metabolic benefits of exercise diminish in just a couple of days of inactivity Results of clinical trials underpin the central role of visceral obesity in the development of insulin resistance
increase in energy expenditure is more important for total fat oxidation than any other factor and the only way to increaese expenditure is by high intensity 80% VO2 max.
at 30% VO2 max 60% of muscle fuel used is fatty acids Higher intensity will recruit fast twitch muscle fibers using up carbohydrates as fuel source. As exercise intensity increases from low (25% VO2max) to moderate (65% VO2max) to high (85% VO2max), plasma FFA mobilization declines. However, total fat oxidation increases when intensity increases from 25% to 65% VO2max, due to oxidation of intramuscular triglycerides Maximal rates of fat oxidation have been shown to be reached at intensities between 59% and 64% of maximum oxygen consumption in trained individuals and between 47% and 52% of maximum oxygen consumption in a large sample of the general population. Endurance training induces a multitude of adaptations that result in increased fat
oxidation. Ingestion of carbohydrate in the hours before or on commencement of exercise
reduces the rate of fat oxidation significantly compared with fasted conditions, whereas fasting longer than
6 h optimizes fat oxidation. Fat oxidation rates have been shown to decrease after ingestion of high-fat
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that high-intensity exercise favors a lesser body fat deposition which might be related to an increase in post-exercise energy metabolism that is mediated by
-adrenergic stimulation.
International Journal of Obesity (2001) 25, 332-339
Carbohydrate ingestion during the hours before exercise, even in relatively small amounts, reduces fat oxidation during exercise largely through the action of insulin. Fat supplementation and special diets have limited ability to increase fat oxidation in people, especially during sport competitions. Therefore, fat from body stores and/or dietary supplementation cannot adequately replace muscle glycogen and blood glucose as fuels for intense exercise.
GH treatment reduced visceral fat mass, increased thigh
muscle area, and reduced total and low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol compared with placebo. Insulin sensitivity was
increased target dose of 0.67 mg/d (2.0 IU/d One year of GH treatment in postmenopausal women with
abdominal obesity reduced the amount of visceral fat, in-
creased thigh muscle area, improved the serum lipid pattern
compared with placebo treatment, and improved insulin
sensitivity within the GH treatment group.
The target dose of GH was selected based on prev
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