Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Crops treated with glyphosate are deficient in tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan.

shikimate pathway (shikimic acid pathway) is a seven step metabolic route used by bacteriaarchaeafungi,algae, some protozoans, and plants for the biosynthesis of folates and aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine,tyrosine, and tryptophan

That means all plants treated with glyphosate are deficient in tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. 

Being deficient in tryptophan leads to serotonin depletion, and poor melatonin synthesis= insomnia.

Tyrosine defiency causes lack of motivation, because it along with vitamin B6 creates dopamine.

Tyrosine + Tyrosine Hydroxylase  +  pyridoxal-5’-phosphate = dopamine

My Top 5 Ways To Increase TH  Tyrosine Hydroxylase

  1. Bright Light Device (or I'll use Sunlight and Blue Light)
  2. Butyrate R
  3. Exercise R
  4. Music - this is what I listen to R
  5. Uridine + Eating Fish (or fish oilR

Diet / Lifestyle / Devices

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