1.Alcohol shoot straights to the liver; a direct line shot via the portal vein. Alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde a volatile terror which attaches to DNA, which forms a myriad of cancer causing chemicals and halts the methylation process.
2.Acetaldehyde leeches onto the backbone of cells, hemoglobin, serotonin and dopamine.
3.For the liver to process acetaldehyde it requires so much oxygen, that other metabolic process fail for lack of oxygen, suffocating living cells and creating toxic pathogens.
4.High levels of alcohol impede the wound heal process damaging vital organs.
5.Even moderate alcohol use on a chronic level, kills the metabolism of fatty acids , leading to fatty liver.
6.Alcohol stops the secretion of vasopressin (anti-diuretic, alertness neurohormone) making you urinate.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Estrogen is the Causative Factor in BPH, not Testosterone and Nettle plus DHT will reverse this
estrogen is a causative factor in BPH
The lignan 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, also present in nettle root was able to completely inhibit DHT from binding to SHBG, yet another indication that it can result in increased free (active) DHT available to tissues such as that in the scalp.Lignans from the roots of Urtica dioica and their metabolites bind to human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
The root of nettle is widely used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), allergies, arthritis, and inflammation. It is usually combined with herbs such as saw palmetto and pygeum for the treatment of BPH. Several compounds have been isolated from nettle including flavonoid glycosides that appear to contribute to its biological effect
The lignan 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, also present in nettle root was able to completely inhibit DHT from binding to SHBG, yet another indication that it can result in increased free (active) DHT available to tissues such as that in the scalp.Lignans from the roots of Urtica dioica and their metabolites bind to human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
The root of nettle is widely used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), allergies, arthritis, and inflammation. It is usually combined with herbs such as saw palmetto and pygeum for the treatment of BPH. Several compounds have been isolated from nettle including flavonoid glycosides that appear to contribute to its biological effect
Nettle extract has reno- (20) and hepatoprotective (21) properti es. It also demonstrated anti-proliferative effects in human prostate cancer cells (6) and protected against cisplatin-induced toxicity (15). Another study found it effective against colitis in mice (16).
Data from a few clinical trials suggest benefits of nettle in the treatment of osteoarthritis of hip, knee (10)and hand (14)
Data from a few clinical trials suggest benefits of nettle in the treatment of osteoarthritis of hip, knee (10)and hand (14)
- Acids: Carbonic acid, formic acid, silicic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid, glyceric acid, malic acid, oxalic acid, phosphoric acid, quinic acid, succinic acid, and threonic acid
- Amines: Acetylcholine, betaine, choline, lecithin, histamine, and serotonin
- Flavonoids: Flavonol glycosides (isorhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin)
- Other constituents: Choline acetyltransferase, scopoletin, B-sitosterol, and tannins
Mechanism of Action
In vitro studies show that nettle extract inhibits several inflammatory events that are responsible for the symptoms of seasonal allergies (2). They include the antagonist and negative agonist activity against the histamine-1 (H(1)) receptor and inhibition of prostaglandin formation via inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and hematopoietic prostaglandin D(2) synthase (HPGDS), key enzymes in pro-inflammatory pathways (2).
A methanolic extract of nettle reduced experimentally induced prostatic hyperplasia in mice (17).
A methanolic extract of nettle reduced experimentally induced prostatic hyperplasia in mice (17).
- Cytochrome P450 substrates: Nettle inhibits cytochrome P450 enzymes and may affect the intracellular concentration of drugs metabolized by these enzymes (9).
DHT actually blocks the aromatase enzyme which converts testosterone into estrogens. Thus, in addition to being stronger than testosterone, DHT is a potent aromatase inhibitor.
According to Jonathan Wright, M.D. (Maximize Your Vitality And Potency) the balance of DHT and 4-androstenedione should be 1:1. If DHT is higher and androstenedione lower, it creates a pro-carcinogenic state. However, if DHT and androstenedione levels are both high and at a 1:1 ratio, the pro-carcinogenic properties of high DHT are neutralized by the anti-carcinogenic properties of androstenedione.
Therapeutic DHT can improve the androgen-to-estrogen ratio--without the risk of converting to unwanted estrogens. According to Harrod Buhner: Estradiol--but not DHT--has been found to act with SHBG to cause an eightfold increase in intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in human BPH tissue, which causes increases growth of the prostate. In other words, in cases of enlarged prostate, estrogen is the likely culprit.
In one clinical trial, subjects applied a topical gel containing 70 milligrams of DHT but follow-up Prostatic-Specific Antigen (PSA) test numbers, a common blood test for prostate disease, did not increase. Furthermore, test subjects actually developed stronger urine streams, a clinical sign of prostate shrinkage.
In addition to its role in prostate health, DHT is an incredible mood booster and nervine. The brain relies on sex hormones, such as DHEA, testosterone, DHT and estrogen, for optimal functioning, but of all these steroid compounds, DHT reigns supreme. Buhner claims that DHT is more important for brain health than even testosterone, since while testosterone’s neural impact subsides after a few hours, DHT’s neural effect can last up to twenty-four hours.
In addition to its role in prostate health, DHT is an incredible mood booster and nervine. The brain relies on sex hormones, such as DHEA, testosterone, DHT and estrogen, for optimal functioning, but of all these steroid compounds, DHT reigns supreme. Buhner claims that DHT is more important for brain health than even testosterone, since while testosterone’s neural impact subsides after a few hours, DHT’s neural effect can last up to twenty-four hours.
Dietary fat is critical for sex hormone production and low-fat diets (i.e., fat calories below 25-30%) will cripple your efforts. I get at least 30% of my calories from fat but notice I feel better--and get better workouts--at 40%
avoid saw palmetto, which can block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Given that DHT is more potent than testosterone, this is the last thing you want. Saw palmetto can also reduce androgen receptor uptake of testosterone and DHT, which just makes things worse. Instead, take nettle root, which shows numerous benefits, including unbinding testosterone and DHT from the glycoprotein sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG). In other words,
supplementing nettle root can increase free testosterone and DHT levels, making both readily available for use. Secondly, nettle root helps block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and third, nettle root is great for prostate issues and has been shows to decrease nighttime urination frequency, improve urination power, and help shrink enlarged prostate tissue.
supplementing nettle root can increase free testosterone and DHT levels, making both readily available for use. Secondly, nettle root helps block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and third, nettle root is great for prostate issues and has been shows to decrease nighttime urination frequency, improve urination power, and help shrink enlarged prostate tissue.
Korean ginseng (look for caps and powder from a six year old root), and Siberian ginseng. One way to raise androstenedione is to supplement DHEA, which can convert into androstenedione, but I prefer (and use myself) magnesium oil, which can naturally increase DHEA levels. The extra DHEA can then spill over into increased androstenedione, which is only one metabolic step away. Magnesium oil is a powerful supplement which can optimize the entire hormone cascade from pregnenelone all the way down to DHT. Siberian Ginseng is also great to ensure the adrenal pathway goes the route of DHEA instead of cortisol.
If you are prone to baldness, tocotrienols are a must. Tocotreienols are a special form of Vitamin E that help with hair growth and slowing down hair loss. Men that are prone to baldness will accelerate hair loss with ramped up DHT levels.
If your test results indicate excess estrogens, consider supplementing with diindolylmethane (DIM), a phytonutrient which helps convert unwanted estrogens into desirable estrogens. Also Calcium D-glucarate, a calcium salt which can actually clear excess estrogens from the body.
s Stinging Nettle Root, a known liver protector. It has in various studies been shown to protect the liver of lab animals from various toxins and poisons, such as aflatoxin and carbon tetracholoride. Since the bulbine already decreases estradiol,
Bulbine natalensis is a hype in the sports supplement world. It's easy to see why – the effects of extracts of Bulbine natalensis recorded in animal studies are pretty impressive. animal study,
ProLensis is the brand - their high quality bulbine "has been shown in studies to increase testosterone by a whopping 347% and crush estrogen by 35%." Based on results from 2009 researchers at the University of Ford Hare in South Africa published the results of a study in which they had given male rats water-based extracts of Bulbine natalensis for a week. The researchers pumped the extract directly into the stomach of the lab animals. The Bulbine natalensis extract did have an effect at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg bodyweight. According to another study by the same researchers, published in 2010, the extract activates enzymes in the testes. [Pharm Biol. 2010 May;48(5):568-76.]
- Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica): Another natural antihistamine, stinging nettle has a long history of use for seasonal allergies, without the drowsiness and dry mouth associated with many pharmacological antihistamines. Nettle inhibits your body’s ability to produce histamines. The recommended dose is about 300 mg freeze-dried nettle extract daily.
Glutamine can also be used by the brain as an energy source, making it useful when you are transitioning to a low-carb diet or trying to deal with cravings for high-carb foods.
Take BCAAs during training with leucine in roughly a 4 to 1 ratio with valine and isoleucine. Load with extra BCAAs and taurine post-workout to further reduce soreness and inflammation from particularly damaging workouts.
You must have insulin present in order for creatine to load, so take it with carbs or a supplement that will stimulate insulin, such as fenugreek or alpha lipoic acid.
Strength training appears to increase your ability to raise muscle carnosine levels during supplementation. Try a high-low dosing format of 4 to 6 g/day for 4 weeks, followed by 1.5 to 3 g/day for 4 weeks. Beta alanine goes well with creatine since they can both be dosed together.
Recent research shows carnitine supplementation can also halt muscle loss that comes from inactivity, and a 2011 study showed that taking 2 grams of carnitine a day for 6 months increased work capacity by 35 percent in athletes.
n a study of middle-age adults, 4 grams of fish oil a day increased protein synthesis and the muscle building pathway mTOR by 30 percent
Take fish oil post-workout to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation. It can also be used in place of carbs with nutrients like creatine that require an insulin spike in order to load into the muscle. CLA can be supplemented as well—make sure it contains the cis-9, trans-11 CLA and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers. Get dietary CLA from pastured, organic dairy and beef. Grass-fed and wild animals have 2 to 3 times more CLA than grain-fed animals.
Citrulline is an amino acid that raises arginine and nitric oxide, enhancing blood flow and the delivery of nutrients to muscle. Citrulline also enhances energy levels by removing waste products like lactic acid and ammonia, meaning it can increase your high-intensity work output
Glutamine can also be used by the brain as an energy source, making it useful when you are transitioning to a low-carb diet or trying to deal with cravings for high-carb foods.
Endurance Training Burns Fat
High-intensity exercise (60 sprints of 8 seconds each, 12 seconds rest) with aerobic exercise (60 percent of maximal oxygen uptake for 40 minutes) found that HIT resulted in significant decreases in overall fat mass, while the aerobic exercise group had a fat gain of 0.44 kg on average. The HIT group also had a significant 9.5 percent decrease in visceral fat, whereas the aerobic group had a non-significant increase of 0.2 kg or 10.5 percent. Of related interest is that the HIT group decreased fasting insulin significantly more than the aerobic group (31 versus 9 percent).
A second study found that in men with type 2 diabetes, an eight-week program that mixed aerobic and anaerobic exercise (twice a week of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise at 75 percent of max, and once a week of 5 sprints for 2 minutes at 85 percent) had a significant 44 percent decrease in visceral fat, with a 58 percent improvement in insulin sensitivity. They had no change in bodyweight but did have a 24 percent increase in thigh muscle cross sectional area, indicating muscle development Rather, 75 percent of maximal oxygen uptake is equal to 80 percent of the heart rate max. For a 40-year-old male this would be exercising at a heart rate of 144 to 157 beats per minute for 40 minutes.
Take prebiotics to decrease visceral fat and improve insulin sensitivity. Research performed on rats shows that taking a prebiotic supplement that contains bifidobacterium adolescentis can improve glucose uptake and decrease visceral fat, and it is particularly effective in doing so when a high fat diet is consumed.
During exercise and after HIT, fat burning increases to remove built up lactate and hydrogen ions. Elevated growth hormone also supports fat burning and is a result of HIT programs.
The very best protocol for visceral fat loss and a lean physique is high-intensity interval sprints and a resistance training program. This will allow you to burn visceral fat and build muscle. More muscle will elevate metabolism and support a better hormonal and biochemical environment by lowering adipokines—remember that evil chemical that creates more fat and breaks down muscle.
Adipokines are released by visceral fat and include IL-6 and TNF-a, which raise blood pressure, decrease insulin sensitivity and cause inflammation. Basically, fat builds fat, and it appears that fat, particularly visceral fat, can also degrade muscle, leading to more fat.
More visceral fat leads to lower testosterone and poor health in men. One study found a link between greater visceral fat and lower total and free testosterone, and lower sex-hormone-binding globulin. Additionally, C-peptide levels, a marker of chronic inflammation, and insulin were elevated, indicating a pre-diabetic state.
More muscle will elevate metabolism and support a better hormonal and biochemical environment by lowering adipokines—remember that evil chemical that creates more fat and breaks down muscle.
Leucine-enriched BCAA supplementation has been shown to decrease visceral fat significantly, and they should be a part of any smart nutrition protocol.
Limit fructose intake because it is known to slow down thyroid function, reduce metabolism, mess with insulin health, all leading to visceral fat gain. Fructose doesn't raise insulin, meaning glucose isn't getting into cells.
changes in visceral fat were inversely related to increases in O(2)max (P < 0.01).
Sedentary physical inactivity reliably produces insulin resistance. Good news is, if you can't do high intensity exercise like sprinting, heavy weight squats, swimming or stair climbing, which results in fat burning and insulin sensitivity, low intensity exercise will achieve insulin sensity without the fat loss.
Low intensity means a heart rate below 80% of adjusted max (easy way is to figure adjusted max= 220 minus your age, take away 20%).
To be in a high intensity, visceral fat burning cardio range, your heart rate has to be at 75-80% heart rate max.
A comprehensive review of most fat loss studies conclusively shows that quality exercise has more impact of fat burning that reducing total calories. Minimum of 3 sessions of 30 minutes a weekly with moderately intense aerobic and weighted strength training. Metabolic benefits of exercise diminish in just a couple of days of inactivity Results of clinical trials underpin the central role of visceral obesity in the development of insulin resistance
increase in energy expenditure is more important for total fat oxidation than any other factor and the only way to increaese expenditure is by high intensity 80% VO2 max.
at 30% VO2 max 60% of muscle fuel used is fatty acids Higher intensity will recruit fast twitch muscle fibers using up carbohydrates as fuel source. As exercise intensity increases from low (25% VO2max) to moderate (65% VO2max) to high (85% VO2max), plasma FFA mobilization declines. However, total fat oxidation increases when intensity increases from 25% to 65% VO2max, due to oxidation of intramuscular triglycerides Maximal rates of fat oxidation have been shown to be reached at intensities between 59% and 64% of maximum oxygen consumption in trained individuals and between 47% and 52% of maximum oxygen consumption in a large sample of the general population. Endurance training induces a multitude of adaptations that result in increased fat
oxidation. Ingestion of carbohydrate in the hours before or on commencement of exercise
reduces the rate of fat oxidation significantly compared with fasted conditions, whereas fasting longer than
6 h optimizes fat oxidation. Fat oxidation rates have been shown to decrease after ingestion of high-fat
A second study found that in men with type 2 diabetes, an eight-week program that mixed aerobic and anaerobic exercise (twice a week of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise at 75 percent of max, and once a week of 5 sprints for 2 minutes at 85 percent) had a significant 44 percent decrease in visceral fat, with a 58 percent improvement in insulin sensitivity. They had no change in bodyweight but did have a 24 percent increase in thigh muscle cross sectional area, indicating muscle development Rather, 75 percent of maximal oxygen uptake is equal to 80 percent of the heart rate max. For a 40-year-old male this would be exercising at a heart rate of 144 to 157 beats per minute for 40 minutes.
Take prebiotics to decrease visceral fat and improve insulin sensitivity. Research performed on rats shows that taking a prebiotic supplement that contains bifidobacterium adolescentis can improve glucose uptake and decrease visceral fat, and it is particularly effective in doing so when a high fat diet is consumed.
During exercise and after HIT, fat burning increases to remove built up lactate and hydrogen ions. Elevated growth hormone also supports fat burning and is a result of HIT programs.
The very best protocol for visceral fat loss and a lean physique is high-intensity interval sprints and a resistance training program. This will allow you to burn visceral fat and build muscle. More muscle will elevate metabolism and support a better hormonal and biochemical environment by lowering adipokines—remember that evil chemical that creates more fat and breaks down muscle.
Adipokines are released by visceral fat and include IL-6 and TNF-a, which raise blood pressure, decrease insulin sensitivity and cause inflammation. Basically, fat builds fat, and it appears that fat, particularly visceral fat, can also degrade muscle, leading to more fat.
More visceral fat leads to lower testosterone and poor health in men. One study found a link between greater visceral fat and lower total and free testosterone, and lower sex-hormone-binding globulin. Additionally, C-peptide levels, a marker of chronic inflammation, and insulin were elevated, indicating a pre-diabetic state.
More muscle will elevate metabolism and support a better hormonal and biochemical environment by lowering adipokines—remember that evil chemical that creates more fat and breaks down muscle.
Leucine-enriched BCAA supplementation has been shown to decrease visceral fat significantly, and they should be a part of any smart nutrition protocol.
Limit fructose intake because it is known to slow down thyroid function, reduce metabolism, mess with insulin health, all leading to visceral fat gain. Fructose doesn't raise insulin, meaning glucose isn't getting into cells.
changes in visceral fat were inversely related to increases in O(2)max (P < 0.01).
Sedentary physical inactivity reliably produces insulin resistance. Good news is, if you can't do high intensity exercise like sprinting, heavy weight squats, swimming or stair climbing, which results in fat burning and insulin sensitivity, low intensity exercise will achieve insulin sensity without the fat loss.
Low intensity means a heart rate below 80% of adjusted max (easy way is to figure adjusted max= 220 minus your age, take away 20%).
To be in a high intensity, visceral fat burning cardio range, your heart rate has to be at 75-80% heart rate max.
A comprehensive review of most fat loss studies conclusively shows that quality exercise has more impact of fat burning that reducing total calories. Minimum of 3 sessions of 30 minutes a weekly with moderately intense aerobic and weighted strength training. Metabolic benefits of exercise diminish in just a couple of days of inactivity Results of clinical trials underpin the central role of visceral obesity in the development of insulin resistance
increase in energy expenditure is more important for total fat oxidation than any other factor and the only way to increaese expenditure is by high intensity 80% VO2 max.
at 30% VO2 max 60% of muscle fuel used is fatty acids Higher intensity will recruit fast twitch muscle fibers using up carbohydrates as fuel source. As exercise intensity increases from low (25% VO2max) to moderate (65% VO2max) to high (85% VO2max), plasma FFA mobilization declines. However, total fat oxidation increases when intensity increases from 25% to 65% VO2max, due to oxidation of intramuscular triglycerides Maximal rates of fat oxidation have been shown to be reached at intensities between 59% and 64% of maximum oxygen consumption in trained individuals and between 47% and 52% of maximum oxygen consumption in a large sample of the general population. Endurance training induces a multitude of adaptations that result in increased fat
oxidation. Ingestion of carbohydrate in the hours before or on commencement of exercise
reduces the rate of fat oxidation significantly compared with fasted conditions, whereas fasting longer than
6 h optimizes fat oxidation. Fat oxidation rates have been shown to decrease after ingestion of high-fat
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that high-intensity exercise favors a lesser body fat deposition which might be related to an increase in post-exercise energy metabolism that is mediated by
-adrenergic stimulation.
International Journal of Obesity (2001) 25, 332-339
Carbohydrate ingestion during the hours before exercise, even in relatively small amounts, reduces fat oxidation during exercise largely through the action of insulin. Fat supplementation and special diets have limited ability to increase fat oxidation in people, especially during sport competitions. Therefore, fat from body stores and/or dietary supplementation cannot adequately replace muscle glycogen and blood glucose as fuels for intense exercise.
GH treatment reduced visceral fat mass, increased thigh
muscle area, and reduced total and low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol compared with placebo. Insulin sensitivity was
increased target dose of 0.67 mg/d (2.0 IU/d One year of GH treatment in postmenopausal women with
abdominal obesity reduced the amount of visceral fat, in-
creased thigh muscle area, improved the serum lipid pattern
compared with placebo treatment, and improved insulin
sensitivity within the GH treatment group.
The target dose of GH was selected based on prev
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Pizza Cheese Cures Diabetes? All the Fat, All the Love...
Cream and Butter to stave off Diabetes... Surprised? Raw Whole Fat Milk Does Your Body Good! Harvard Study discovers Milk Fat Cuts Diabetes Risk in Half (60% actually) looked at serum levels of trans-palmitoleic acid, a dairy fatty acid found in milk, cheese, yogurt and butter, and correlated them with risk factors for diabetes. Here’s what they found:
People with the highest amount of dairy fatt (trans-palmitoleate) found in whole milk, yogurt, butter and yes cheese levels had 60% lower risk of developing diabetes over the three years volunteers were tracked.
Higher circulating levels of trans-palmitoleate levels were associated with thiner waist circumfrence, lower triglycerides, signicantly lower diabetes risk,lower C-reactive protein and higher HDL.
Raw milk contains lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose that makes many people shun dairy due to digestive problems. Pasteurization, however, kills lactase. Pasteurization also reduces iodine, vitamins, especially C, B6,B12 and denatures fragile milk proteins.
Raw whole milk is an outstanding source of nutrients including: probiotic bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus, vitamins A, E, B1 B2 B6 B12, minerals calcium, magnesium, zinc, and colostrum which contains pathogen destroying immunoglobulins, growth factors IGF-1,2, glycoproteins, lyzosymes, lactoferrin (deprives bacteria of iron needed to reproduce) active digestive enzymes and finally transforming growth factor TGA-a.
Raw dairy is a healthy whole food, and pasteurized dairy is a processed food.
"...suggests that high-fat dairy consumption within typical dietary patterns is inversely associated with obesity risk."
People with the highest amount of dairy fatt (trans-palmitoleate) found in whole milk, yogurt, butter and yes cheese levels had 60% lower risk of developing diabetes over the three years volunteers were tracked.
Higher circulating levels of trans-palmitoleate levels were associated with thiner waist circumfrence, lower triglycerides, signicantly lower diabetes risk,lower C-reactive protein and higher HDL.
Raw milk contains lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose that makes many people shun dairy due to digestive problems. Pasteurization, however, kills lactase. Pasteurization also reduces iodine, vitamins, especially C, B6,B12 and denatures fragile milk proteins.
Raw whole milk is an outstanding source of nutrients including: probiotic bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus, vitamins A, E, B1 B2 B6 B12, minerals calcium, magnesium, zinc, and colostrum which contains pathogen destroying immunoglobulins, growth factors IGF-1,2, glycoproteins, lyzosymes, lactoferrin (deprives bacteria of iron needed to reproduce) active digestive enzymes and finally transforming growth factor TGA-a.
Raw dairy is a healthy whole food, and pasteurized dairy is a processed food.
"...suggests that high-fat dairy consumption within typical dietary patterns is inversely associated with obesity risk."
Vitamin C
Vitamin C prevents: Bleeding gums, skin bruising, anemia, fatigue, broken capillaries, gallstones, aneurysms, arterial plaque and facilitates wound healing, builds collagen. Intravenous vitamin C (Myers Cocktail) or given intravenously generates hydrogen peroxide which selectively kills off germs and cancer cells.
The World's Finest Vitamin C (and Cardio-C and Ascorbade) use 100% pure L-ascorbic acid (DSM Quali-C*** not made in China). Ascorbic acidis form of vitamin C taken by the late 2-time Nobelist Linus Pauling in the amount of 18,000 mg daily, as reported in his 1986 book How To Live Longer and Feel Better.
The World's Finest Vitamin C (and Cardio-C and Ascorbade) use 100% pure L-ascorbic acid (DSM Quali-C*** not made in China). Ascorbic acidis form of vitamin C taken by the late 2-time Nobelist Linus Pauling in the amount of 18,000 mg daily, as reported in his 1986 book How To Live Longer and Feel Better.
Alcoholic fatty liver prevented by high dose vitamin C and Sunflower Lecithin
5,000 mg of vitamin C per day (I suggest a mineral as actually flush fats from the liver and sunflower lecithin protects the liver from alcohol and other toxin-induced damage by discouraging the accumulation of fat in liver tissue. Lecithin is highly recommended for liver cleansing being potent to remove fatty deposits in the body, including the liver.
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